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Federico Jordán - art direction 1
Rating: 10.00 | Votes: 1
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Phone Interviews to Illustrators.
by Federico Jordán.

In February 2004 I called friends and colleagues with the purpose of asking them about their relationship with art direction in their illustration work process and their perception in the future of our industry.
Their answers were used the same year, in my workshop related to the craft of illustration at the Feria Internacional del Libro del Palacio de Minería in México City and in my illustration class at the Facultad de Artes Visuales de la U.A.N.L. in Monterrey City.

The material below is copyright by each illustrator you are listening and it is not allowed to download the material.


Federico Jordán.

Length: 0:01 minutes
Bitrate: 80 kBit/s
Frequency: 22050 Hz
Views 1044

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